- Attach a cover letter indicating if you are looking for full-time or freelance work and why you are interested in working for Simes Studios. Include your full address and e-mail as well.
- Include a current resume with education and complete work history, indicating any past experience in decorative painting, eglomise, color mixing, finishes and murals. Experience is not always needed, if the drawing and painting skills are strong, as sometimes we are looking for apprentice level positions.
- Attach 5-10 color photos of your best realistic / traditional painting and drawing. Please indicate the medium on each one and size. Do not submit any 3 dimensional work for consideration, such as sculpture, ceramics, clothing design, etc. We need to see you have strong 2 dimensional abilities.
- If you have worked in decorative painting in the past, please also submit color photos of your best work. Please limit these to 5 images.
- Include 3 work related references.
You may also mail all materials to Simes Studios at 1809 W. Webster, Suite 200, Chicago, IL 60614 or email them to directly to simes@simesstudios.com No portfolios will be returned. No phone calls please.